Filming and editing
from £550 p/d
Due to the nature of this work, it is sometimes difficult to have a fixed price as you can have many variables such as gear, equipment and crew. However, projects are priced based on two things, days of filming and days of editing. We will charge a daily rate and how many days the project will take and that’s what will be the total charge. Generally speaking, we can charge £550 per day for filming and £550 per day for editing so if the job required one day of filming and one day of editing then that would be a total of £1,100. We understand certain projects will have a limited budget so prices are negotiable depending on the nature of the project.
from £550 p/d
We provide professional photography services for events and products. if you require this service it will also be charged on a daily rate basis. Prices are variable depending on the complexity of the project however they start from £550 per day. Prices are negotiable depending on the length of the project and the type of content that needs capturing.
from £799
Animation is a perfect way to engage with your audience using visuals and text. All projects are unique and we create animations all based on the brief from the client. Prices start from £799 but this can vary depending on the complexity of the project. This type of project will also include other additional charges such as pre-production scriptwriting and possibly voice-over. Ask for more details.
Drone Services
from £250
Drone services are perfect for establishing locations and setting the scene. businesses and organisations benefit from drone shots by allowing their clients to visually see the building and also have some familiarity with the location. Generally speaking, the price for drone footage costs £250 however speak to the team as often we do include this at a discounted price.
Why not contact us and have a friendly chat with one of our team and discuss your needs. We can talk through exactly what you need and offer you free and impartial advice on what we believe will be the best solution for you.